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Kitchen & Bath Design

Due to the concentration of details, fixtures, and finishes in these spaces, special attention is given to Kitchen and Bath designs to ensure they have been strategically planned before any construction or installation phases begin.


Residential Master Bathroom


Downtown Loft Kitchen Upgrades


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Space Planning

The process of organizing layout and programming to work in a cohesive manner, while using space effectively. To make the best use of available space, considering all the functions and requirements and intercommunication.

Downtown Dwell Lofts
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Tenant Improvement

Interiors of older facilities may need reorganization to accommodate new equipment or new work processes.


The Telepresence Room
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Purchasing, Procurement, Installation

We can facilitate the procurement and purchasing of a wide array of furniture, fixtures and equipment. Our extensive product knowledge and purchasing experience ensures the process goes as smoothly as possible.

Chelsea Lately Green Rooms
Designed, Purchased & Installed all in 10 days!
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Blocking/ Stacking/ Test Fits

Blocking & Stacking

Both are used while analyzing the space demands and best layout of multi floor buildings. Blocking- an outline plan sketch showing general layouts in simplified, undetailed form to illustrate general space demands. Stacking- a chart indicating relationships of groups between floors.


Test Fits

Test fit plans enable us to evaluate how suitable a particular space is, based on your specific programming requirements. These test fits are then used to determine if the size and geometry of the space is sufficient and suitable to your needs. Test-fits review how a program of requirements would work within potential site options, calculating the impact of each option’s net efficiency.

Press /

Icon – Winter 2014





Press /

Deborah Davis named ASID LA Chapter Medalist 2013

Press /

LA Design – Summer 2013